Sanitary Soup

Trim off the exterior leaves of three large lettuces, wash the remainder and cut
them into fine shreds. Wash and shred a small quantity of beetroot leaves, one
handful each of chervil and celery leaves, and about two handfuls of sorrel leaves.
Put two leeks and one sliced onion into a saucepan with a little butter and toss them
over the fire until the butter has melted and commenced to boil ; then throw in the
beetroot, celery and lettuce leaves and fry them for ten minutes ; add the sorrel and
chervil, pour in two quarts of broth, boil it for fifteen minutes, then move the saucepan
to the side of the fire and skim off all the fat. Put some thin slices of bread
into a soup tureen, soak them with a little of the soup for a few minutes, then pour
in the remainder and serve.

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