Beef Marrow Patties

Blanch one-fourth pound of sweet almonds and pound them in a mortar, adding
occasionally a few drops of orange flower water. When quite smooth, mix with them
two heaped tablespoonfuls of flour, the beaten yolks of three eggs, and sufficient
warm water to make the whole into a smooth paste. Butter some small shallow
moiilds, line them with the paste, brush them over with paste brush dipped into wellbeaten
yolk of egg, and bake them in a slow oven. Chop and flavor some marrow
with lemon peel, and mix some sweet cream with it. When the patties are cooked,
take them out of their moulds, put a small piece of marrow mixture in each, spread
them over with white of egg that has been whipped to a stiff froth, and dredge lightly
with powdered sugar. Put them in the oven to set the egg, then place them on a dish
that has been garnished with a folded napkin, or an ornamental dish-paper and serve
very hot.

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