Baked Lobsters.

Place a live lobster in boiling fish broth; when it is cooked, drain and split it in
half lengthwise, pick the meat out of the tail and claws, cut it in small pieces, and
mix in an equal quantity of mushrooms, also cut in dice. Place the coral of the
lobster in a mortar with a little butter, pound, and pass it through a fine hair sieve.
Put a few tablespoonfuls of bechamel sauce in a stewpan with a little cream and
melted glaze, stir over the fire until it is well reduced, then mix with it the pieces of
lobster and mushrooms, sprinkle in a little cayenne, and add the pounded coral.
Clean the two shells of the lobster, fill them with the preparation, sprinkle bread
crumbs on the top, pour a little warmed butter over each, and brown in the oven.
Place a folded napkin on a dish, lay the shells on it, and serve at once.

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