Mussels, Villeroy

Wash and thoroughly cleanse some mussels, changing the water five or six times,
if necessary, and remove the sinewy strings that are to be found inside, put them
into a saucepan, pour over a wineglassful of white wine, toss them over a fire until
the shells open, then turn them into a colander over a pan and let them drain.
Pull them out of their shells, and when they are cool dip them into a little villeroy
sauce ; arrange on a baking sheet, and when the sauce has cooled sprinkle them
over with breadcrumbs, repeating it to have them thoroughly covered. Plunge
them into a fryingpan of boiling fat, fry to a light brown color, then take them out,
drain, put them on a napkin on a dish, and serve with a garnish of fried parsley.

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