Stewed Soft Clams

Thoroughly wash about three andSta half dozen of fresh soft clams so that no sand
remains on them after they are opened, lay them carefully on the palm of the left
hand, and with the right hand remove the body with care, but nothing more, being
cautious not to break it and throwing away all the other parts. When all are prepared
place them in a stewpan with one ounce of butter, a small pinch of white pepper,
one wineglassful of Madeira wine and two finely-hashed medium sized trufifles ; place
the cover on the pan and cook gently for seven or eight minutes. Break the yolks of
three eggs into a bowl, add one pint of sweet cream and beat well for three minutes.
Pour this over the clams and toss the saucepan for about three minutes more very
gently to thoroughly mix the clams with the cream but not letting the liquor boil
again. Neither fork nor spoon should ever be used in mixing them. Pour the whole
into a hot dish and serve at once.

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