Chicken Soup, Queen Style

Take two fowls and a knuckle of veal and prepare a soup ; strain it and put it
back into the saucepan to boil. Cut off the fillets from two fowls in the meantime,
and put them into a stewpan with a little butter and cook. Cut them up in small
pieces and pound in a mortar, adding one ounce of rice boiled in broth, four ounces
of breadcrumbs and a little salt. Put the whole into a saucepan with two tablespoonfuls
of bechamel sauce and half a pint of fowl broth and stir over the fire with a
wooden spoon until done, taking care that the liquor does not boil. Rub the whole
through a fine sieve, warm it without boiling, and serve in a tureen with small pieces
of toasted bread.

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