Timbale of Crayfish

In order to have this dish sufficient for a large party a great number of crayfish
are required for it. Having picked out the tails of something like one hundred and
fifty crayfish, brush each one over with some warmed crayfish butter. Have ready
some very cvear savoury jelly and a large timbale mould ; warm the jelly to the liquid
state, pick up each tail with a larding needle and dip into the jelly ; then arrange them
neatly around the mould ; the jelly will cause them to adhere. When the top is
reached (remember the mound will be upside down and should be packed in ice)
leave the jelly fixmg the tails to set. Pick out all the meat from the claws and bodies
and chop up very finely ; mix this mince with enough warm jelly to fill the timbale
and leave that also to set. When the jelly is firm, dip the mould for an instant in tepid
water, wipe it and then turn the timbale out on to a dish. Garnish with croutons of
jelly and an attelette decorated with truffles.

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