Barley Cream Soup

Mix in a saucepan in the following proportions : Some barley (one teacupful)
an onion, a small piece of cinnamon, half a blade of mace, and three pints of chicken
broth. When it comes to a boiling point, remove to one side of the fire, and let it
simmer slowly for five hours. Then pass it through a fine hair sieve, returning it to
the saucepan. Mix with it two tablespoonfuls of butter and half a pint of boiling
milk, or if cream is used in place of milk, the butter may be omitted ; season to taste
with pepper and salt. Beat the yolks of four eggs in a teacupful of milk ; mix this
in the soup, and stir by the side of a fire for a few minutes, but do not allow it to boil
after the eggs are added. Turn the soup into a tureen and serve with a plate of
sippets of roast or croutons of fried bread.

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