Frizzled Celery

Take one large head of good celery, pare off the green stalks and cut off the
root, which may be used for salad. Cut the stalk lengthwise into four equal parts,
wash them well in cold water and cut each one into pieces about three inches long,
and by doing this all the branches will be separated. With the aid of a small sharp
knife pare the thin sides a little, making five or six slits in each piece, starting from
the top downward, leaving from one-half to three-quarters of an inch uncut, and put
them in cold water with plenty of ice, allowing them to remain for about two hours.
Then remove them from the ice water, arrange them tastefully on a round glass dish
and serve. Celery arranged and served in this way makes a beautiful effect on the
table, though it requires time and patience to prepare it.

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