Baked Mackerel

Clean some mackerel, wash in plenty of water, split them open down the back,
cut them across, making four pieces of each fish, and lay them in a pie dish in layers,
placing between each layer a few bay leaves, cloves, peppercorns, and a few sliced
shallots. Mix this with half a pint of stock free from fat, and a wineglassful each of
white wine and vinegar, half a wineglassful each of anchovy and Harvey sauce and
mushroom catsup, and a third of a tablespoonful each of Worcestershire sauce and
soy. Pour this mixture over the fish, put in a flat dish and bake in a moderate oven.
When it is cooked lay the fish on a hot dish, strain the sauce through a fine sieve
over them, and leave until quite cold. When they are ready to serve arrange a few
sprigs of parsley around the dish.

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