Curried Fish

Peel and cut two medium-sized onions into thin slices and put in a stewpan with
a small lump of butter and fry until lightly browned. Pour over them some white
stock, judging the quantity by that of the fish ; add one ounce of butter and a sufficient
quantity of curry powder ; season with salt, lemon juice, a little sugar and <t
:.mall quantity of cayenne. Boil the stock for fifteen or twenty minutes, then strain
it into a clean stewpan, skim and put in the fish, having carefully prepared it, and
boil gently, but without breaking it. Wash and boil about half a pound of rice in
water ; when cooked it should be dry and have the grains unbroken. Turn the
curry out on to a hot dish, garnish with croutons of fried bread or sippets of toast,
and serve very hot, with the rice separate.

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