Ducks’ Giblet Soup

Take three or four lots of duck’s giblets, scald, clean, cut them into pieces, and
put in a stewpan ; add three quarts of water, a pound and a half of gravy beef, two
onions, a bunch of sweet herbs, and the rind of half a lemon, and simmer until the
gizzards are soft. Strain the broth, add some slices of onion fried brown in butter,
mix in sufificient flour to thicken the soup, and stir over the fire a few minutes until
it boils. Strain, skim and pour the soup into a tureen, put back the piece of lemon
peel, and add two teaspoonfuls of catsup and two wineglassfuls of Madeira wine,
and serve with toasted bread cut into dice.

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