Steamed Clams

Scrub the shells of some clams well in water ; then place them in a saucepan
without any water, place them over the fire, and cook until the shells open. Remove
the clams with a skimmer, pour the liquor into a jar and let it settle. There will be
no use in straining the liquor through the finest strainer, but a piece of linen may be
used, or if allowed to settle, and care be taken not to move the sediment, the water
can be poured off. Remove the clams from their shells, pulling off the thin skin
round the edge, and cutting off the whole of the black end with a pair of scissors.
Phmge each clam into a small quantity of the liquor, and if at all tough cut that part
through. When the water has settled pour it into a saucepan, add the clams and
make it hot, though do not allow it to boil. Take out the clams and serve with brown
bread and butter, toasted crackers, or on pieces of buttered toast.

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