Bisque of Crayfish

Procure five or six dozen fresh water crayfish, and boil them without any vinegar
in the water. Select two dozen and a half of the finest tails that remain whole, and
pound the rest with all the fleshy parts and meat in a mortar, with the flesh from the
breasts of two roasted chickens or fowls. Boil the crumb of a couple of French rolls

in some rich brotii ; place this in a mortar with a few yolks of hard boiled eggs, and
pound well together, then mix thoroughly with the crayfish and chicken ; put the
shells of the fish to boil in a little water or broth, and rub through a fine sieve. Boil
a pint and a half of cream, stirring continually so that no scum will arise ; pour this
into the soup, seasoning with salt and pepper. Have in readiness two spawn of a
lobster well pounded, dilute it with some of the broth, and mix in with the soup,
which must be kept hot but without boiling. Soak a few rounds of bread and lay
them at the bottom of a tureen, pour the bisque over them, place the tails which
have been placed pne side, over the soup, and serve very hot.

Procure five or six dozen fresh water crayfish, and boil them without any vinegar
in the water. Select two dozen and a half of the finest tails that remain whole, and
pound the rest with all the fleshy parts and meat in a mortar, with the flesh from the
breasts of two roasted chickens or fowls. Boil the crumb of a couple of French rolls

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