Scalloped Mussels

Put some mussels into a saucepan and toss them over a quick fire for a few
minutes until the meat will come away easily from the shells. Take out the beards,
weeds, etc., remove the fish from their shells, squeeze all the liquor out of them,
and add to it that which came from them while being cooked : strain it into a saucepan,
put in the mussels and warm them up, adding a little flour, butter, grated nutmeg
and pepper ; care must be taken not to let them boil and not to use any salt, as
they generally contain sufificient. Clean some scallop shells, cover them with breadcrumbs,
put a layer of the mussels over it, then another layer of breadcrumbs and
another of mussels ; moisten them with a few tablespoonfuls of the liquor, put a
layer of crumbs on top, place on it a few pieces of butter, scatter over a little dried
parsley, and put them in an oven to cook until they are a bright brown. They may
be browned in a salamander instead of the oven, if desired, and must be served hot.

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