Bisque of Lobster

Remove the meat of a lobster from the shell, and cut the tender pieces into
quarter inch dice ; put the ends of the claw-meat and any tough portions in a saucepan
with the bones of the body and a little cold water, and boil for twenty minutes,
adding a little water from time to time as may be necessary. Put the coral to dry in
a moderate oven, and mix a little flour with some cold milk, and stir into the milk,
which should be boiling, stirring over the fire for ten minutes ; then strain the water
from the bones and other parts, mix it with the milk, add a little butter, salt, pepper
and cayenne to taste, and rub the dry coral through a fine hair sieve, putting enough
into the soup to make it a bright pink color. Place the green fat and lobster dice in
a soup tureen, strain the boiling soup over them and serve at once.

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