Adelaide Sandwiches

Take one-fourth pound of cold chicken and two ounces of cold ham and cut them
into small squares. Mix one teaspoonful of curry paste with one-half teacupful of
sauce in a saucepan over the fire, and when it boils mix into it the ham and chicken;
take it from the fire and let cool; cut some thin slices of stale bread, stamp them into
rounds about the size of a crown piece, and fry them a very light brown in boiling
lard or clarified butter. Put a layer of the mixture of chopped meat and sauce between
two pieces of fried bread. Pound some grated Parmesan cheese and butter
(equal quantities of each) together and roll it into balls about the size of a walnut.
Place one of these balls on top of each sandwich, lay them on a baking sheet and
place them in a quick oven for five minutes. Serve them on a napkin.

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